Hello it has been a while since my last update and things have been slow on the development side of things, though, this has given me time to reflect on what I...
Good day, In the last post I discussed that I created some form of combat system and was testing around with what I have created, and while it is far from compl...
Hello everyone, I have another update on Project Magic. Things continue to be a little slow on the development side of things; however, I have managed to have a...
Hello... been a while huh. I have had quite an event full few months so sorry for not updating the during those times. Because of that I haven't really had the...
Hello again. Today marks the release of Project Magic version 0.0.6 and in this update comes with some of the systems that I have discussed in previous devlogs...
Hello this is the 3rd update devlog and a lot has happened since then. Most of the work over the past month was focused on implementing different parts of the p...
Today's Dev log revolves around some of the features I have been working away in the back ground. Most of the work has revolved around the implementation of the...
Version 0.0.5: Today marks the release of version 0.0.5. The update contains the following.: This update and subsequent updates will have a focus on Console con...