Dev Update 7: World Direction

Good day,

In the last post I discussed that I created some form of combat system and was testing around with what I have created, and while it is far from complete, I did add most of the parts of the party system to the test arenas feeling out how it should function. The combat system is the most volatile part of this game and needs the most work to ensure that it feels fun and engaging; however, I have shifted focus a little bit re-exploring what the player can do with three characters in a party. I have a list of several actions that I would like to mess around with, and some of these features have been implemented. The following features are:

  • Sync actions (Proper name still undecided): When locked onto an enemy and pressing the party command buttons will cause the corresponding character to perform an attack action. Currently this system does not have the character perform the action to the opponent that you are locked onto but it is a feature that I wish to implement at some point.
  • Boost Jumps: When a party member jumps into another then their jump will get boosted to allow them to reach previously unreachable platforms.

A lot of the features that I am exploring for this game are focusing exclusively around what the player can do with their party members and further expanding on that concept.

While in the past, most of the time spent working on this project was strictly on player driven actions and what they can do with the characters they have mechanically. I have had different ideas floating in the back of my mind about what the general progression and and world structure would look like. A lot of these ideas that I have had were either ambitious or lacked clarity. It wasn't until recently that a clear idea came to mind. For now I will not spill exact details but I can provide information on one of the systems that serves as one of the pieces to the puzzle. This system is a bonfire system that is mostly seen in souls-like games. Though with some modifications. The main modification to this system is that when resting at a bonfire it does not immediately reset enemies, if an area is left alone for a set period of time then all the enemies associated to that area is reset. The Idea behind this is to give a sense that the player is spending the night at the bonfire and only resuming operations the following day and that areas do not change drastically over night. Some other things that I would like for this system to be able to do in the future is allow the player to craft consumables and cook food to apply temporary buffs to the party for the next day.

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