Dev Update 2: The Party System's grind

Today's Dev log revolves around some of the features I have been working away in the back ground. Most of the work has revolved around the implementation of the systems that allow the player's party members to move about autonomously. This means that the other characters on the field will follow the active party member around on the field unless they are set to hold a position. This marks for another system that I have implemented into the project and that is soft commands. I currently do not have a proper name of this mechanic at the moment but the way it works is that when using an active character the bumper buttons corresponds to the other characters in the party. When pressed they are put in a commands state. This command state allows the player to indirectly move the character with the right stick and upon releasing anchor them in the players desired position. When pressed again without moving the right stick will cause the character to return to the player.

That is what I have so far in terms of coding systems for this game. I do remember saying not to expect much on the art side of things for this project however I did need some time away from the constant dive into system mechanics. I decided to do a little bit of concept art for a location that will be implemented in the next version update of this project and that is Hell's Gate. Below you will see an image of the concept art.

Thank you to those tuning in to this Dev log See you in the next one.

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