Dev Update 6: Combat pt. 2

Hello everyone,

I have another update on Project Magic. Things continue to be a little slow on the development side of things; however, I have managed to have a fully functioning testing area where I started testing forms of combat. The primary focus that I had worked on were the enemies. In previous projects a lot of the enemies where designed to be very basic. Usually flipping between two main states (moving, and attacking). Depending on the game that is all you may ever need for the enemies, but for my project I needed something with a little more nuance. So I started experimenting with AI behaviors that are a tier above what I previously built. What I ended up with is an enemy design that feels far better with a bit more nuance in their movements and when they attack. I plan on expanding on what I have created by creating new units for test, and doing more research into designing better AI behaviors. Below is a quick video showing the enemies.

Thank you for reading though this devlog!

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